Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week
May 5-11, 2024
Tardive dyskinesia affects more than 500,000 Americans, but greater awareness and destigmatization of the condition is still needed.
From May 5-11, join the Movement Disorders Policy Coalition, patient advocates and health care providers in Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week efforts to spread the word about the condition and reduce the stigma.
Want to get involved? Here’s what you can do.
Discover Why Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week Matters
Recognition of Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week will help promote greater awareness about the impact and burden of TD, both for the public and those who may be at risk of developing the condition. Increased awareness will support people living with TD, their caregivers and their communities.
Join the Twitter Chat
Participate in a Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week Twitter chat on Thursday, May 9, at 1 PM ET.
Join the conversation with #TDAwarenessWeek and #Screen4TD.
Co-Hosts: Mental Health America, Alliance for Patient Access, Caregiver Action Network and Movement Disorders Policy Coalition.
Participate on Social Media
There are several ways to support patients with tardive dyskinesia and spread awareness on social media:
Profile Photo Frame: Click on the frame you would like to add below. Follow the prompts to add it to your Twitter and Facebook profile photos.
Post on Social Media: Join the #TDAwarenessWeek and #Screen4TD conversation online using the shareable social media graphics and sample tweets below.
Sample Tweets
This week is #TDAwarenessWeek. Ready to get involved? Get started with @movedisorders’ toolkit: https://bit.ly/3rWqa7F
Living with tardive dyskinesia can mean living with stigma. Help raise awareness during #TDAwarenessWeek. https://bit.ly/3rWqa7F
DYK? Tardive dyskinesia affects at least 500,000 people. Learn more during #TDAwarenessWeek: https://bit.ly/3rWqa7F
Tardive dyskinesia can affect patients’ ability to do everyday tasks and can further stigmatize people living with a mental illness. Help raise awareness during #TDAwarenessWeek. https://bit.ly/3rWqa7F
New treatments for tardive dyskinesia can reduce the symptoms and stigma associated with the condition. Patients need access to these innovative treatments. #TDAwarenessWeek #Screen4TD
Tardive dyskinesia can develop in people who have used antipsychotics to manage a mental illness. Learn more about the condition during #TDAwarenessWeek. https://bit.ly/3rWqa7F #Screen4TD
Learn About Tardive Dyskinesia
Explore Partner Resources
Life with Tardive Dyskinesia
National Organization for Tardive Dyskinesia
In this video, people share their stories of what it's like to live with tardive dyskinesia and how this disorder affects their day-to-day life.
Tardive Dyskinesia Facts
National Organization for Tardive Dyskinesia
Learn how tardive dyskinesia affects patients’ quality of life and the importance of access to treatment.