Americans spending more out-of-pocket on mental health than physical health

Many insured Americans go out of network for mental health services, a new study suggests, despite the higher costs to them and despite a federal law mandating that policies’ mental health coverage be at least as good as their physical health coverage.

With Parkinson’s, the Good Is Worth the Fight

In her latest column at Parkinson’s News Today, Jean Mellano shares a frightening experience she had several years ago while cycling in Spain. “The memory of that trip plays in my mind as I fight my new battle against another formidable adversary,” she writes. “Just when I think I am making headway against this beast called Parkinson’s, it rears its ugly head with a renewed fury.”

‘Women and PD’ Project by Parkinson’s Foundation Urges Changes in Research and Care

Leading the first national effort to address long-standing gender disparities in Parkinson’s (PD) research and care, the Parkinson’s Foundation has developed patient-centered recommendations to promote the needs women in the U.S. living with the disease.

More than a Punchline

Most people have a stereotypical perception of Tourette syndrome.  Likely based on a movie or TV show, their vision is of an uncontrollable stream of insults and curse words.  On the screen, these symptoms become the joke, the punchline.  Yet cliché portrayals of Tourette syndrome are not only oversimplified, but also harmful.